Get Referer after login

Currently on our app, we are redirected on a defined page (for the example let's say /landing-page ) after login, whatever the link (for example /whatever-category/random-product ) which brought us on the website.
So if someone wants to share a link "".
I click on the link, I have to login, and after that I'm on "".
I've tried to setup a plugin, added to CustomerPageDependencyProvider::getAfterLoginCustomerRedirectPlugins(), but this need to have a CustomerTransfer parameter, what I can't have as I'm not logged in yet.
I've tried to setup an event listener and play with the session, but nobody talks to my listener (I've added it to KernelEvents::REQUEST, but it's never called).
If any of you already did smthg like this, it could be very helpful to share how you did that :)
Thank you in advance !
You could add some logic in your AuthController to catch referer Url and do the trick by extending the
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Hello, thank you for that, but in fact I found what was wrong: my SecurityTwigPlugin prevented me to get the referer (it was edited some time ago in the project).
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