The option "constraints" does not exist.

fabrice.dhuicque Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 19 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

Hello here,

I've just upgraded my app from 202212.0 to 202404.0 thanks to upgrader tool (and the doc…).

I'm now able to build my app with no issue, but when I go to the shop, every form throw this UndefinedOptionsException about 'constraints' option.

If I comment the constraint option in forms, the form can be displayed.

My symfony modules are in 6.4 version, and my evaluator tool doesn't tell me anything about outdated module.

Do you have any idea why this 'constraints' option is not recognized anymore?

Thank you in advance


  • profuel
    profuel SSA Sprykee Posts: 83 🪐 - Explorer

    I really hope that you have already resolved the issue.

    If not, could you please show code of at least one form creation on your project?

  • fabrice.dhuicque
    fabrice.dhuicque Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 19 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    Hi @profuel , thank you for your answer, but as I went to holidays few days after my question, I didn't solved it… After being back, I had to restart the process, I guess going from 202212.0 to 202404.0 in one hit is not a good thing. I'm now trying to upgrade to 202307.0 (and I've different issues, I'm going to make a new post about it ^^) So the issue is no longer relevant, but may come back in the future...

    Have a great day.