Glue Backend Request Validation

Hello everybody,
is there a way to validate a request to the glue backend api in the same way that is described for the storefront api here ?
Hi, LukasB!
Yes, it's possible, although fully custom on the project, and I have never yet tried this myself.
You have to implement a plugin similar to \Spryker\Glue\RestRequestValidator\Plugin\ValidateRestRequestAttributesPlugin and place it into \Spryker\Glue\GlueBackendApiApplication\GlueBackendApiApplicationDependencyProvider::getRequestValidatorPlugins .
Please keep in mind that this plugin was designed for the non-flexible Glue API endpoints, following one and only standard. Both GlueBackend and GlueStorefron APIs allow you to have different conventions among endpoints.
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Thanks @profuel!
I saw the ValidateRestRequestAttributesPlugin in the Storefront Glue yesterday and added it to the Backend Dependency Provider. After getting an error I though I ask here if there is an easier way without that much customization. But then it's clear to me what needs to be done - thanks!
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@LukasB funny running into you again after searching the forum because of an issue that we both share :D
We also stumbled upon the same guide in the documentation and figured it was unfortunately only for Storefront. Hence we are going custom as per @profuel indications too.
My question is how custom have you needed to go?
Unfortunately I cannot share the actual code but to keep it consistent and use the
attribute we seem in need to validate the request attributes withinGlueRequestTransfer
against the definition of the transfer inRestXXXXXRequestAttributesTransfer::$transferMetadata.
Are you aware of any generic out of the box tool in Spryker we can use to validate the transfer? We feel in need to use
and do it all ourselves which is unfortunate.@profuel to your knowledge, is there any plan for Spryker to improve this?
Thank you both and BR.
José1 -
Good to know, thanks for sharing @jose.isasa :)
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