Glue Backend Request Validation
Hello everybody,
is there a way to validate a request to the glue backend api in the same way that is described for the storefront api here ?
Hi, LukasB!
Yes, it's possible, although fully custom on the project, and I have never yet tried this myself.
You have to implement a plugin similar to \Spryker\Glue\RestRequestValidator\Plugin\ValidateRestRequestAttributesPlugin and place it into \Spryker\Glue\GlueBackendApiApplication\GlueBackendApiApplicationDependencyProvider::getRequestValidatorPlugins .
Please keep in mind that this plugin was designed for the non-flexible Glue API endpoints, following one and only standard. Both GlueBackend and GlueStorefron APIs allow you to have different conventions among endpoints.
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Thanks @profuel!
I saw the ValidateRestRequestAttributesPlugin in the Storefront Glue yesterday and added it to the Backend Dependency Provider. After getting an error I though I ask here if there is an easier way without that much customization. But then it's clear to me what needs to be done - thanks!
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