OMS timeout API inconsistency

mikko.ropanen Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 34 ✨ - Novice

So, I was doing some micro-optimizations and noticed that:


works differently than

where dropOldTimeout (singular) checks if the source state has a timeout event and drops it if it does, dropOldTimeouts (plural) check if source AND target states have timeout events and drops only if both do.

I don't know if the latter logic makes much sense in most use cases 🤔



  • profuel
    profuel SSA Sprykee Posts: 83 🪐 - Explorer

    Hi, Mikko!

    That's an interesting finding.

    I cannot suggest, which option is more correct, so if you find some bug caused by this inconsistency, please report it in the OMS module on GitHub.

    I can assure you, that both versions of the code will create a timeout, when needed.

    And by the nature of the timeout processing, if there's a timeout that's happening for the item in the wrong state, we just skip it as a faulty.
