There's an issue with, it's preventing us from getting Spryker started. Had to bypass the issue by not enabling the blackfire extension in deploy file.
The issue was present also in b2b demoshop 202410.
[19-Nov-2024 06:21:19 UTC] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '' (tried: /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20230831/ (Error loading shared library /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20230831/ Exec format error), /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20230831/ (Error loading shared library /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20230831/ No such file or directory)) in Unknown on line 0
fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,082 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Heyhey @simo.savonen ,
is this happening with an ootb file or with adjustments?
All the best,
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Yes, the b2b demoshop was cloned 5 days ago, didn't modify it.
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,082 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Can you create an official support ticket please and link the case number here?
Is this happening just for the latest version of the demoshop for you (i can reproduce as well) or also with older shops but updated docker-sdk?
All the best,
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case 00062702 created.
We noticed it after we started the work to updating our 202212 Spryker to the latest version. I posted about it here after the same error appeared in a fresh demoshop.
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fsmeier Senior Software Engineer & Developer Enablement Advocate Sprykee Posts: 1,082 ⚖️ - Guardians (admin)
Thank you very much! I'll keep you updated.
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