MP state machine condition check

Hello Spryker Community,
I am working on adding a condition in the Merchant Portal state machine. I created a custom condition, and it is working. However, inside my check method, I am not getting the relevant data in the parameters related to the order. Specifically, I need the order_item_id
to retrieve order details and perform the required logic.
Upon debugging, I noticed that the condition is being called through:
The StateMachineItemTransfer
being passed does not contain any order-related data that I can use to fetch the necessary details.
Has anyone encountered this issue before or found a way to include additional order-related data in the StateMachineItemTransfer
? Any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Good morning, @bhupendra.doniwal !
Take a look at this code:
Merchant state machine operates with Merchant Order Items, and you can see here an example of locating the real order item from the $stateMachineItemTransfer.
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Thank you for your reply.
I have already checked this thing but I am working on the condition and that does not contain any order details.0
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