Any experience with spryker/data-export module as erp export?

Hello community!
Evaluating a common export system for our current project, I stumbled upon the spryker/data-export module which seems to be a very streamlined way for exporting any data from a defined source entity to any destination in different formats.
Since I always prefer flexible solution, I wonder if this can used for an erp related export when the export is a bit more "business rule"-heavy, other than the sales-order-export implementation which is more or less just loading data from a given filter criteria line by line.
I think about challenges like aggregating data from different sources, maybe executing "post hooks" (e.g. setting flags after data was successfully exported etc.), writing different formats, different destinations (queues, apis, files), logging etc. So, basically everything that's usually painful.
I don't want to discuss about the feasibility itself, since i think its possible with the right amount of effort but would like to hear if this is a way you would consider after you once implemented it. My biggest worries are about the effort since it won't make any sense to bend this module to its limits when a custom module would take a fragment of the effort.
What are your experiences? Any further resources you can provide?
Best regards
In the meanwhile I dug a bit deeper and saw different places where some alerting words like "filename" are involved here and there (for example "filename" fixed in one of the response transfer). For me this indicates that the intention for the whole export module is/was purely based on files and not intended to be used on queues, apis etc. , albeit this i not an unchangeable circumstance but i assume it would introduce a lot of effort to change.
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