Spryker Commerce Framework DI Magic

After many requests to add more magic to Spryker framework, our architects found a graceful way to enable magic DI. The new approach enables you to get a business models skipping Factory and Dependency provider functions!
We currently consider 3x DI (dependency injection) containers, popular in PHP community:
- PHP-DI (php-di/php-di)
- Symfony DI (symfony/dependency-injection)
- Laravel Container (illuminate/container)
Below you can find a comparison of these three.
Before we make the decision, by tradition we want to get your opinion on it!
Spryker Commerce Framework DI Magic 24 votes
Give me magic, I prefer Symfony DI!
We introduced the Symfony DI in our Project and can recommend this 😋
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Give me magic, I prefer PHP-DI!
@daniel.hansmann Great news! did you completely replace Spryker DI (container) for dependency definition or made them work with the core dependencies (so Spryker core definitions are also available in your DI, so minimal project updates are required)?
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Give me magic, I prefer PHP-DI!
Great initiative, thanks!
I'm linking here another topic from the Hackathon in 2023, where our team investigated this area too:
Back then we decided to use PHP-DI, and I remember it was quite easy to integrate in Spryker, so my vote here also goes to PHP-DI
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Give me any magic! 🤩
any, but please not laravel for our Sprykers!
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