Wrong second parameter when initializing the ChildUserQuery

hsg32 Posts: 3 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

Wrong second parameter when initializing the ChildUserQuery in the buildCriteria() method of the Base User model:
public function buildCriteria(): Criteria
$criteria = new ChildUserQuery(UserTableMap::DATABASE_NAME, 'User');


'User' should be FQCN '\\App\\User'

I thank you in advance for any help or idea

Best Answer

  • hsg32
    hsg32 Posts: 3 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet
    Answer ✓

    Hello everyone,
    I'm withdrawing the question. I had mistakenly made a change to a behavior I created myself that set the second parameter.
    Thank you all very much, though.


  • hsg32
    hsg32 Posts: 3 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet
    Answer ✓

    Hello everyone,
    I'm withdrawing the question. I had mistakenly made a change to a behavior I created myself that set the second parameter.
    Thank you all very much, though.