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Hello folks, I wonder if anyone came across the `SPRYKER_BUILD_HASH` env variable while using docker
Hello folks,
I wonder if anyone came across the SPRYKER_BUILD_HASH
env variable while using docker/sdk and found out about how and when i could/should be set to be reflected during build. Most interesting when using baked mode and production building.
Hi! It's used to invalidate browser's cache between deployments.
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Thats exactly why I want to use it, but i do not know how π
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Is it automatically set by docker/sdk or in PaaS? Do I have to set it on my own?
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@U01KL33S7QX do you remember?
Or should I look into the history? π0 -
I looked into history of solving the problem for Dominik...
It seems that from the application perspective docker/sdk has to be newer than some version, preferably latest.
https://github.com/spryker-shop/b2c-demo-shop/blob/master/config/Shared/config_default.php#L498For demo\production mode
docker/sdk boot && SPRYKER_BUILD_HASH=somehash docker/sdk up
Then in browser check your assets.0 -
If the project hosted in Spryker's PaaS it may be that adjustments are needed on the infra side as well. Like it was for Dominik back then.
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ah ok... so directly "injecting" it on up or build.. I will give it a try, thank you
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That worked @valerii.trots. Thanks. It was to easy so I dd not came up with it on my own π
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projekt-code and dockerskd were already ready for this
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