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Hello, I updated the Docker / SDK from 1.14.3 to 1.16.3 and I get this error on my Ubuntu system. Wh
Hello, I updated the Docker / SDK from 1.14.3 to 1.16.3 and I get this error on my Ubuntu system. Why can't the SDK create the folders? Version 1.14.3 can do this without problems.
Command generate-transfers [vendor/bin/console transfer:generate] (In progress...)
Store: DE | Environment: docker
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught UnexpectedValueException: There is no existing directory at "/var/log/spryker/DE/ZED" and its not buildable: Permission denied in /data/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/StreamHandler.php:172
Stack trace:
0 /data/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/StreamHandler.php(98): Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler->createDir()
1 /data/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/AbstractProcessingHandler.php(39): Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler->write(Array)
2 /data/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/AbstractHandler.php(59): Monolog\Handler\AbstractProcessingHandler->handle(Array)
3 /data/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/BufferHandler.php(92): Monolog\Handler\AbstractHandler->handleBatch(Array)
4 /data/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/BufferHandler.php(108): Monolog\Handler\BufferHandler->flush()
5 [internal function]: Monolog\Handler\BufferHandler->close()
thrown in /data/vendor/monolog/monolog/src/Monolog/Handler/StreamHandler.php on line 172
Hello Michael,
I assume you have linux.
We got a regression for some linux-based platforms in 1.15.0.We have a ticket internally and working on it.
You can scan this channel to find workarounds until it is fixed.Probably, using user 1000:1000 on the host will did the trick. Or setting permissions for all files and folders to 1000 group.
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Hi Mike, I first adjusted the parameters in Dockerfile.twig with the following parameters:
chown 1001: spryker $ {SPRYKER_LOG_DIRECTORY}
At least it works first. Now there are 2 new problems, I can add a die() to my code and unfortunately what I expect happens unless I do a docker / sdk reset. This solution is actually not that great. The other is that I can no longer debug as usual. After a few seconds the IDE stops debugging and there is a 504 gateway timeout error on my website. What do you have to adjust so that it works as usual, as with version 1.14.3
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It seems opcache is the problem of the 1st of your problem.
will help.The second one is new for me.
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The debugging works for me as a charm on Mac.
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I cannot believe that @ULYHPR789 - I have the same issue Michael has, the page turns into a 504 Gateway Time-out after several seconds without warning and worst case crashes your scenario - especially nice when you try working with the OMS
State machine trigger is locked. Propel exception: SQLSTATE[23505]: Unique violation: 7 ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "spy_oms_state_machine_lock-identifier"
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You can always use
console command in such cases π0 -
Hi @UR1QYK8MC I have another question concerning the OMS, I have an event and I explicitly set manual=βfalseβ (although I actually think this is not necessary as itβs the default value) - nevertheless I have a clickable button in the zed backend - that sounds kind of wrong to me. Or is this the case when the OMS cannot be further executed? π
Thanks0 -
Hey Sarah! You need to remove this
option at all to remove button.0 -
Youβll need to add some of other options like
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Thatβs what I had before, but the result is the same - I attached a screenshot from the whole thing π the button, the process and the code
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I think your command
failed and to make it possible to re run it the button is displayed.0
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