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Hi, when I run `docker/sdk demo-data` (i want just reset db and service and import fresh everything)

Hi, when I run docker/sdk demo-data
(i want just reset db and service and import fresh everything) sdk run loadDemoData
with at end of this function `
execSpryker "vendor/bin/install -r docker -s init-storages-per-region -s ${demoDataSection}"
But i get following error:
Dropping all database tables. Error happened during dropping database tables. SQLSTATE[42501]: Insufficient privilege: 7 ERROR: must be a superuser to terminate superuser process CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = current_database() AND pid <> pg_backend_pid()" PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 6 at PERFORM In CommandLineExecutable.php line 107: Aborted install...
Anyone idea why so? sdk up
works in the case IF_NOT_PERFORMED
sdk reset
works..sdk demo
not due permission for db0 -
Do you connect to the database from host machine?
0 -
yes... without problems..
0 -
With what credentials?
0 -
0 -
That’s the point. You have
opened connection and script that works withspryker
cannot close it to remove all the tables during demo data import.0 -
Ok.... now it s me clear...
0 -
So this problem won’t have place if you connect only with
user0 -
thank u very much..
0 -
yes.. of course
0 -
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