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Hi guys, i want to configure our wildcard ssl certificate in local docker env.... i replaced the def

Hi guys,
i want to configure our wildcard ssl certificate in local docker env.... i replaced the default.crt and default.key with our crt and key files... and adjusted some dn information in v3.ext but when i run the bootstrap command i get always the following error:
Generating a RSA private key ............................+++++ ..............................+++++ writing new private key to '/data/deployment/context/nginx/ssl/ssl.key' ----- Signature ok subject=C = US, OU = [www.digicert.com](http://www.digicert.com), O = DigiCert Inc, CN = RapidSSL RSA CA 2018 Getting CA Private Key C = US, OU = [www.digicert.com](http://www.digicert.com), O = DigiCert Inc, CN = RapidSSL RSA CA 2018 error 20 at 0 depth lookup: unable to get local issuer certificate Taking predefined CA certificate Generating PFX file for CA to import on client side Checking certificate chain error /data/deployment/context/nginx/ssl/ssl.crt: verification failed
I just miss/forget something?! any help would be appreciate.. thanks!
Hello Giovanni,
What problem do you solve?
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Hi Mike, we want just use own ssl certificate for our docker instance... and not the spryker one...
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Hi Giovanni,
Sorry for delay - a lot of work last days.- It would be interested to see the changes you’ve applied.
- It would be good to see the solution if you have the final one already.
- Would you be able to give background of the issue and acceptance criteria for the solution for us to implement in docker/sdk?
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Hi Mike,
no problem 😉as already described i wanted just run our local docker env with ssl but with own wildcard ssl certificate...
i replaced the crt and key files under
and changed the informations in v3.ext but something not working properly... the verification failed..i write in channel if maybe there is a docu how to make this or what we have to take care...
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Certificate you’ve replaced is CA certificate. And I assume that you’ve replaced it with SSL certificate that should be wrong.
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So if you have your own SSL certificate - just replace generate.sh with a script that copies them as “${DESTINATION}/ssl.crt” && “${DESTINATION}/ssl.key”
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As resume, I would propose the changes in docker/sdk:
enabled: true
- mypath/ssl.crt
- mypath/ssl.keyWe will consider to put such changes in our backlog
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@UPZH5HHEV Please, note the case. Thank you very much.
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