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Heya has anyBody on macOSX been having issues with the docker container and memory? Maybe I just ne

Heya has anyBody on macOSX been having issues with the docker container and memory?
Maybe I just need to make sure to shut everything down if not in use...
I've had this problem before with MacOSX/docker, it makes this beeping noise and the screen flashes...
OSX itself is a memory hog, I'd rather use docker on linux so that's the first problem, then, some services (like elasticsearch) like to take some memory even without using them (see jmv.options).
If you don't have a mac with 32GB ram, you will most likely encounter issues with running whole spryker0 -
Yeh fair enough... I've been thinking about switch back to my linux. It does only seem to happen when I have something else edging the memory gap, i.e. zoom screenshare or something, I'll set things up on my linux as dev insurance. Thanks π
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For the memory, make sure to allocate enough for the docker-desktop app, it is under preferences. I have sometimes several projects running at the same time, 8Gb allocated there is enough so far. From time to time, when you feel things are getting slower - it worth restarting docker.
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It can also happen that overtime you would collect many unused images. In such cases docker/sdk prune is a healthy thing to do, once in a while
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what also helps to reduce βextra-noiseβ on your local dev - is to turn off scheduler on your local env. Jenkins can consume quite some resources. Try
docker/sdk console scheduler:suspend
But donβt forget to run it on when you need to import/change products since the whole publish and sync will not be working0
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