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Hi there, we have standard b2c demo. after reboot all containers in demo are stopped. How to start t

U01LR5HQV37 Posts: 10 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet
edited July 2021 in Docker

Hi there, we have standard b2c demo. after reboot all containers in demo are stopped. How to start them all without loosing all data? We've added our goods, texts etc.

root@ip-172-31-66-56:~# docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                 COMMAND                  CREATED        STATUS                        PORTS     NAMES
7f6d16b00f00   spryker_b2c_gateway:1.0                               "/docker-entrypoint.…"   18 hours ago   Exited (0) 37 minutes ago               spryker_b2c_gateway_1
1b324650520b   spryker_b2c_run_cli:1.0                               "docker-php-entrypoi…"   23 hours ago   Exited (137) 37 minutes ago             spryker_b2c_cli_1
036ef3a19021   spryker_b2c_run_frontend:1.0                          "/entrypoint.sh ngin…"   23 hours ago   Exited (0) 37 minutes ago               spryker_b2c_frontend_1
bb0287a37011   spryker_b2c_run_app:1.0-zed_us                        "docker-php-entrypoi…"   23 hours ago   Exited (0) 37 minutes ago               spryker_b2c_zed_us_1
d5de3d6a25f2   spryker_b2c_run_app:1.0-yves_us                       "docker-php-entrypoi…"   23 hours ago   Exited (0) 37 minutes ago               spryker_b2c_yves_us_1
a2ca4a2807fa   spryker_b2c_run_app:1.0-glue_us                       "docker-php-entrypoi…"   23 hours ago   Exited (0) 37 minutes ago               spryker_b2c_glue_us_1
abff9a3e00b7   spryker_b2c_run_app:1.0-zed_eu                        "docker-php-entrypoi…"   23 hours ago   Exited (0) 37 minutes ago               spryker_b2c_zed_eu_1
1922d6daea39   spryker_b2c_run_app:1.0-yves_eu                       "docker-php-entrypoi…"   23 hours ago   Exited (0) 37 minutes ago               spryker_b2c_yves_eu_1
8070ac521655   spryker_b2c_run_app:1.0-glue_eu                       "docker-php-entrypoi…"   23 hours ago   Exited (0) 37 minutes ago               spryker_b2c_glue_eu_1
e892cb761717   spryker_b2c_dashboard                                 "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 days ago     Exited (0) 37 minutes ago               spryker_b2c_dashboard_1
693501195a16   mailhog/mailhog:v1.0.0                                "MailHog"                2 days ago     Exited (2) 37 minutes ago               spryker_b2c_mail_catcher_1
7c2b053492a1   bpack/socat                                           "socat UNIX-LISTEN:/…"   2 days ago     Exited (143) 37 minutes ago             spryker_b2c_cli_ssh_relay_1
5e1286126384   redis:5.0-alpine                                      "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 days ago     Exited (0) 37 minutes ago               spryker_b2c_key_value_store_1
cd6aa9d233d5   swaggerapi/swagger-ui:v3.24.3                         "sh /usr/share/nginx…"   2 days ago     Exited (0) 37 minutes ago               spryker_b2c_swagger_1
3e36d919f517   postgres:9.6-alpine                                   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 days ago     Exited (0) 37 minutes ago               spryker_b2c_database_1
e6ab6558aba4   redis:5.0-alpine                                      "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 days ago     Exited (0) 37 minutes ago               spryker_b2c_session_1
12c44d0753a8   spryker/rabbitmq:3.7.14                               "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 days ago     Exited (0) 37 minutes ago               spryker_b2c_broker_1
37eb756085ad   [docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:6.8.4](http://docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:6.8.4)   "/usr/local/bin/dock…"   2 days ago     Exited (143) 37 minutes ago             spryker_b2c_search_1
1f5576070684   spryker/jenkins:2.176                                 "/sbin/tini -- /usr/…"   2 days ago     Exited (143) 37 minutes ago             spryker_b2c_scheduler_1


  • U013EK8RD7A
    U013EK8RD7A Posts: 127 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    You should not loose anything as long as you will not remove the volumes

  • U01LKKBK97T
    U01LKKBK97T Posts: 287 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    docker/sdk stop
    docker/sdk start

  • U01LE4BMBK7
    U01LE4BMBK7 Posts: 241 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet
    edited July 2021

    just don't run docker/sdk clean or docker/sdk reset and you'll be fine

  • U01LKKBK97T
    U01LKKBK97T Posts: 287 🧑🏻‍🚀 - Cadet

    docker/sdk up --data should also be avoided.