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Hi guys, it looks like the CLI container is not syncing the composer.lock back .. so if I ran a com
Hi guys,
it looks like the CLI container is not syncing the composer.lock back .. so if I ran a command that should update lock file .. the file is not getting updated locally β¦ I deleted the file and when I ran composer install β¦ I got lock file inside the container but not locally! any suggestions?
Do you run the application in "dev" or "prod" mode? Maybe you bootstrapped not with deploy.dev.yml and that is why it runs without file synchronization?
If it's dev and you are on MacOS, maybe something went wrong with mutagen.
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it is dev
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I am on macOs
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it looks like mutagen is working
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or at least thats what it says
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giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ LΓΆffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 π§π»βπ - Cadet
did u checked if the file is not ignored in .dockersyncignore?
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when There is a synchronization issue. then Restart your OS. Run the commands: docker/sdk trouble mutagen sync list mutagen sync terminate <all sessions in the list> docker/sdk up
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dockersyncignore does not have any suspicious entries
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it looks like the restart fixed it
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thank you guys
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