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We reported an issue in Docker with Windows last year, it's the problem "PHP Fatal error: Uncaught
We reported an issue in Docker with Windows last year, it's the problem
"PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Symfony\Component\Yaml\Exception\ParseException: File "/data/deployment/project.yml" does not exist. in /data/vendor/symfony/yaml/Parser.php:53"
As I can see , @UMJ465PLG also has that problem and a few other persons. The last answer I could find was from @ULYHPR789 7 days ago.
Are there updates on that issue ?
May I ask where have you reported it? Here or in support desk? Can't recall\find any support tickets regarding this problem.
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We sent an e-mail and talked directly to @UJN2JRU4F after our spryker exam and I guess that I was here in slack and reported it / asked for help once before
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Shall I create an issue for that ?
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Ok, could be.
I don't think it was fixed but let's wait for @ULYHPR789 comment before creating a support ticket.0 -
i was just testing spryker on my own and not for a customer. so i didnt open a support ticket. for testing i was just using the vagrant setup which worked fine for me
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No updated on that from my side.
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Will we try to fix that? Is there anything that we could do in this case at all?
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But I have a concern about support ticket, as problem is in docker, not in docker/sdk.
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You can follow the thread and see that mounting host folder to the container does not work properly on Windows.
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Unfortunatelly we do not have any free deveops to dedicate a time for that now.
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Hi @ULYHPR789,
can we have a look at that problem with a Devops today ?
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I am sorry, but it is impossible to involve them in nearest future.
Can you run the following in
folderdocker run --rm -v $(wslpath -w $(pwd)):/path alpine ls -al /path
ls -al
Is everything the same for you?
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docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/path alpine ls -al /path
And I assume this would not be the same. As initial problem is.
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Hi @UMJ465PLG, what fixed it for me (in addition to downgrading the Docker desktop) was to move the actual spryker-demo-shop directory to the Windows Partition (not in the home directory in the WSL). Supposedly the Docker downgrade should no longer be necessary with but I didn't test that so far. Maybe moving the directory will work for you as well
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What I also ran into is that docker-sync apparently uses a newer unison, so I recompiled it from the git master branch (not the tarball-download as described in the Spryker-Docs)
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Okay thank you maybe ill try that later π
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I have tried exact this solution and i am also using a windows-partition for the spryker-code
Here is my other comment on this: https://sprykercommunity.slack.com/archives/CMYFJCG2E/p1588144557075900?thread_ts=1585815987.058700&cid=CMYFJCG2E0
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