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Hello, i have trouble understanding how to actually deploy the code. i mean yes i can shutdown and r

Hello, i have trouble understanding how to actually deploy the code. i mean yes i can shutdown and run sdk boot and sdk up but that does not really make sense, i need a seamless process without downtime
Do you mean locally?
docker/sdk build
will do the thing I think.0 -
i think it only creates some images?
Yes my goal is to run it in a local server. I dont really find a lot of information how this task would be done and how the output of export inages or build may be used. important to me is to not delete the database on the machine or make the shop unavaible for some time or anything like that0 -
so instead of aws like in the guide use a local server to run the shop but have a good prod deployment process in place for it
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There are two modes: prod-like and development (defined in the deploy file, eg https://github.com/spryker-shop/suite/blob/master/deploy.yml#L287 vs https://github.com/spryker-shop/suite/blob/master/deploy.dev.yml#L293).
In development, all changes in the code base are directly synced into running containers.
In prod-like, you need to rebuild images and restart containers.
To have 0 downtime, you need to have more than 1 container per service and restart them one by one. How to achieve that is another topic.spryker/docker-sdk
isn't supposed to be used for hosting the application locally.
In our PaaS these questions are solved exactly like described above. There is a pipeline that builds new images first and then restarts containers.0 -
Hi, thank you for your response. It is a bit unfortunate that there is no further documentation what to do with the images after recieving them in the best way. i saw one of the images is called something with pipeline? It would be interesting to know what its purpose is. Generally i am not sure what images is doing what. It would be helpful to know the use of each images. Not all seem to fit the normal setup that is created by the docker sdk. Additionally i am not sure what happens with the assets after generation.
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Hi Julius, I think you just have to clarify and set up your own CI/CD design. Define your process, choose a runner, integrate Docker-SDK in your steps. This is how CI/CD works - it is not subject to SCOS. SCOS is just ready to be deployed in your cloud native way. Just my 2cts, cheers!
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