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It seems I found the source of the issue. On this page:

It seems I found the source of the issue. On this page: https://documentation.spryker.com/v4/docs/docker-installation-prerequisites-linux#required-software-and-configuration it says I need to enable BuildKit for the docker daemon, so I did that intially. Now I removed this configuration an everything is working fine. docker/sdk start & stop is fully operational. FYI @ULYHPR789
hmm I have restored that docker daemon config now and still working, so I am not sure what was the issue... I will report back if happens again, but solved for now.
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note: the only other thing which I did is a docker rm --force for the containers which refuse stop even I did the docker/sdk stop - so maybe I had some very weird containers
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Thank you for your efforts in fighting the issue.
I assume it is docker-specific problem. We have not seen anything before on our linux-based systems. It can be related to Arch core or specific docker version. And also can be a glitch.
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Disabling BuildKit on config level may not work as docker/sdk passes particular env variable to enable it.
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Please, notify us if it still persists.
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will do, thanks :y:
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as part of xdebug setup I did a stop and a start -x and left the environment running for about half an hour, now when I did a stop again the issue come up, not all containers are stopping and therefore start fails again with the unhealthy db issue (so same things which I posted earlier) - force removing these stuck containers can unblock me again π
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It is not in the scope of the docker/sdk. It is something in docker / docker-compose.
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Do you have enough resources: RAM / CPU ?
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yep I have 6 CPU cores (12 threads) + 32GB RAM
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tkotosz ~ $ docker -v Docker version 19.03.12-ce, build 48a66213fe tkotosz ~ $ docker-compose -v docker-compose version 1.27.2, build unknown
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