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Hi, again me 😉 I have some workflows in github that fail (see screenshot) I don't understand w

Hi, again me 😉
I have some workflows in github that fail (see screenshot)
I don't understand why in the cli baked image the command is not found... Any idea?
Any help would be appreciate!
@ULYHPR789 maybe u can help me? 🙂
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Hi @UL65CH0MC,
maybe these Commands are not enabled/registered in ConsoleDependencyProvider for docker.ci environment?
They might depend on\Pyz\Zed\Console\ConsoleConfig::isDevelopmentConsoleCommandsEnabled
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the SPRYKER PIPELINE arg is missing...
Therefore is not replaced in the command and then the default pipeline would used and there is the configuration to false..I had the same problem with SPRYKER_COMPOSER_MODE and SPRYKER_COMPOSER_AUTOLOAD arg that are not passed to baked cli image...
I will send u all the piece of code that fix it after my tests
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nö.. wrong alarm...
is not passed directly but seems to be there..
I am without ideas of what it could be0 -
but it seems that required-dev libs are not there... because locally I have 45128 classes in dump autoload (all installed), in workflow ci only 42247 (even if the previous command
composer install --no-interaction --dev -vvv
is correct and should install everything..do u use github action too?
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just as info: i just put a debug command in the pipeline that make the output of all console commands and the development console commands are missing.. even if the configuration is set to true.. I have to search forward why it happened
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Please, check the docker build output just above you provided where composer install runs. It should be without --no-dev as we are building CLI image.
The next checkpoint is for sure ENABLE_DEVELOPMENT_CONSOLE_COMMANDS
In the master it is just before the install command: https://github.com/spryker/docker-sdk/blob/master/images/baked/cli/Dockerfile#L23
I am not sure ENV steps are not in docker output, but please check if it is there0 -
Hi @ULYHPR789 thank u for your reply... Yesterday evening i just investigated in details and it was a dummy typo error in a config... It works everything as expected...
But... : in the case i configure the composer mode to
(as Suite for ci) the Cli backed image for Ci need the dev packages to run the tests and in this case you have luck that it works because the cli baked image run the command as socomposer install --no-interactive ${SPRYKER_COMPOSER_MODE}
is not passed as arg to cli baked image.I fixed it locally and i just provided another var named
with empty value or--dev
in deploy yml recipe otherwise in the case i have composer mode in yml to--no-dev
it will not work because the cli just not install the dev packages..Maybe there is another better solution, but it was for me the quickly and clean in the moment.
(The same happened for the var
that is not passed to cli baked image).0 -
That was an idea that if SPRYKER_COMPOSER_MODE is not passed it is empty it does mean --dev mode by default.
So I do not understand really the root cause.0 -
Ah so this is intentional. I thought it was a small oversight or bug.
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