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Watch the new features in the latest Spryker Release Note video

Watch the new features in the latest Spryker Release Note video
...just wondering: is it necessary to skip the first two seconds of the video?
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@UKN2CGHSB especially for you - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KK6hZPfAo58
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@valerii.trots thanks, but your answer β well, less of an answer and more of a comment... I guess it's less of a comment and more of an utterance... really it's less an utterance more an incantation... or even less of an incantation and more of a malediction... or whatever... β is totally not related to my original question
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Christian von Schassen Director Partner Succcess Management Sprykee Posts: 33 π§π»βπ - Cadet
Hi Darius, what's wrong with the first two seconds?
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It was just a link from Ehsan with
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to me, nothing is wrong, this is why I was asking... but Ehsan skipped them on purpose (probably), otherwise he would share the link Valery provided
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Christian von Schassen Director Partner Succcess Management Sprykee Posts: 33 π§π»βπ - Cadet
Ah, I see. Ehsan's probably just clicked "Share this URL" and took the one including the timestamp by accident.
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Christian von Schassen Director Partner Succcess Management Sprykee Posts: 33 π§π»βπ - Cadet
Thanks for the tip, guys π€
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@UKN2CGHSB Hi, no itβs not necessary to skip 2 seconds, this is happened on purpose, we want to announce our features in different format, we will have so many nice ideas which will be there soon π
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