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Hi, is there a Spryker module which handles adding the “Equivalence Surcharge” in Spain? I’ve been
Hi, is there a Spryker module which handles adding the “Equivalence Surcharge” in Spain? I’ve been looking at SalesOrderThreshold but it doesn’t really seem suitable without quite a lot of overriding
Hi Peter, what is this “Equivalence Surcharge” supposed to do?
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It is an extra tax charge added to an order at a b2b customer’s request. If the customer pays it for stock they buy, then they do not have to submit tax returns. https://www.selfemployedspain.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-spanish-vat/
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It is calculated based on the tax rates of the products in the cart
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I thought about using SalesOrderThreshold, but it doesn’t seem like the right fit
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hm, okay. My intention would be just to add another “total” for the cart and calculate it they way you need. If that needs to be summed up from item level surcharges - just add your plugin(s) to the Calculation stack - \Pyz\Zed\Calculation\CalculationDependencyProvider::getQuoteCalculatorPluginStack()
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It will be way easier than trying to adjust an existing feature that is doing something else..
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yes I think that is the way I will go, after looking at how it’s done in other systems, using an ‘expense’ doesn’t seem right. I’ll add a new column to spy_sales_order_totals and make the calculator changes to populate it
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