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OK, so maybe let me start one question here that some of you may know the answer for, but I'm single
OK, so maybe let me start one question here that some of you may know the answer for, but I'm single language now and wondering what to do next:
- does multi store makes sense for different locale? or should I simply go with one store + locales?
(please avoid "it depends", but possible cons of one or another are welcome)
It depends ... π If it is the same store for each language I would prefer a single store with multilanguage. Eg a shop in switzerland. If the store is physically in multiple countries it can make sense to seperate them. Eg. Invoices will come from local vendor, seperated fullfilment etc.
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π€ the shipping availability plugin should cover the different fulfillment but StoreToWarehouseMapping is for separate stores, so the concept of store per "market " makes sense
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especially stockConfig is per store if I want to config which warehouse is responsible for what (specifically for which store)
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I see one store can support multiple currencies so there's also no NEED to have separate stores here
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If it's really just for supporting multiple languages, I'd prefer to use locales.
Setting up multiple stores comes with certain "specialities". From my experience you have to make some modifications to certain modules if you wan't to share the same database, as some things like oms events don't check if the processed order was placed at the current store (so DE logic would be applied to a CH order for example).0 -
I'm actually looking for pitfalls more than features so thinking out loud about what can potentially go wrong
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giovanni.piemontese Technical Lead @ LΓΆffelhardt Spryker Solution Partner Posts: 871 π§π»βπ - Cadet
No one will be able to answer your question properly. To get concrete answers you need to specify better what is your goal. What does a store represent in your project? Which locales do you need in your system?
Simply listing the pros and cons depends unfortunately on the goal you want to achieve.
More stores naturally complicate things, for example:
- Date Import
- Shop Configuration
- Server configuration
- etc....
not to mention the management difficulties you face if each store has its own dedicated database.
Locales are nothing more than a translation, and you should never apply business logic based on which locale the user is browsing. For stores instead you can apply your own business logic and not only but above all your own configuration that can be completely different from that of another store.
As I told you, however, it would be nice to understand a little more what your goal is and maybe more concrete answers from the community will follow.
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I'm not looking for ultimate answer (I know there's none) , I'm looking for possible pitfalls we do not want to fall into π E.g I know how magento didn't really go well with multi-currency setups (you had to rely on exchange rates or store per currency) and business oriented multi-currency usually required to go with multi store setup if you wanted to have everything under control
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