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Hello there! Any tricks to be able to refresh the “success page” without getting redirected to the h

Hello there! Any tricks to be able to refresh the “success page” without getting redirected to the homepage?
For debugging purposes, of course 🙂
I already tried commenting the “clearQuote()” from SuccessStep::execute()“, but it didn’t work. I am still getting redirected to the homepage after refreshing the success page :S
did u tried already to manipulate the postCondition in SuccessStep? Just say to the success step that is not satisfied...
or just simple comment out line 258-260 here ->\SprykerShop\Yves\CheckoutPage\Controller\CheckoutController::successAction
and also as u mentioned the clearQuote in SuccessStep to debug more times the success page0 -
Thanks for your help. I am able to see the success page.
• I tried also adding these lines inSuccessStep
directly in the core (for temp debugging).0 -
Got it! This directly in the successAction in the Controller works:
# CheckoutController::successAction() return $this->view( [], [], '@CheckoutPage/views/order-success/order-success.twig' );
0 -
ach, no, this way I miss the
data :S0 -
Previously in Zed there was something like "repeat last request".
Here is an internal unresolved thread about the same:xxx We had a controller somewhere that is able to repeat the last zed request received, which controller was it? yyy Check maintenance module. And that functionality should be enabled on configuration xxx \Spryker\Zed\ZedRequest\Communication\Controller\TransferController::repeatAction it’s here
Maybe this will be somehow helpful...
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