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Hey all πŸ‘‹ hope you had a good week so far! Tomorrow we will have another Spryker User Group wit

Guido X Jansen
Guido X Jansen Global Business & Technology Evangelist Sprykee Posts: 425 βš–οΈ - Guardians (admin)
edited March 2022 in Slack General

Hey all πŸ‘‹ hope you had a good week so far! Tomorrow we will have another Spryker User Group with he following sessions:

10:00 - Digital Doors Open & Welcome by Guido X Jansen
10:05 - DXP/FES (Frontend Enablement Services) Product discussion by @U024T7N5BHR, Senior Product Manager - SCOS @ Spryker
10:30 - Alumio Spryker connector, by Caspar Hardholt, CEO @ Alumio
11:10 - Introducing SprykerKit, by @UKMHZV8LX, Head of Engineering @ Valantic
11:20 - End

(Times in CET)

You can RSVP here: https://www.meetup.com/Spryker-User-Group/events/282267805/. Hope to see you there!
