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Hi Spryker Community, I need an architectural clarification for a possible specifc Spryker setup. I

Hi Spryker Community,
I need an architectural clarification for a possible specifc Spryker setup. I got a request for a complex system, which besides B2C and B2B shopping should contain different additional applications (manage something... to be used by agents or company users, ...).
Currently I don't know if it is possible/feasable or even a good idea at all to handle all of this in once (maybe shared data usage or reusabiliy of external systems connections make this approach plausible, but currently I don't really know). I know that the following questions may could be difficult to answer, but I hope you can give me some advise.
In my opinion, architecturewise GLUE can be seen at the same level as YVES (interacting with ZED, Client, Storage, etc.).
1) So, it should be possible to have multiple custom frontend applications (like YVES-1, YVES-2, ..) commuicating with the same ZED backend (for instance via different endpoints if required), right?
2) The same for the ZED Backend: Is it possible to have multiple ZED Backends, to have custom business logic and/or multiple data persistance storages (like multiple Postgres databases)?
3) Furthermore: According to the configuration setup: It seems to be possible to have multiple project namespaces (like Pyz1, Pyz, ...). Is it possible to handle different applications by multiple project namespaces?
What would be the best approach or a good starting point to look at? Is there anything specific which I shall pay attention to?
Any tips much appreciated
- yep
- you can run zed instances talking to different databases, yes.
- didnโt do it, but would assume that this is possible, maaaybe needing some tweaks on the app bootstrapping and/or config layer
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Hi Andreas,
thanks for your response. One more question:
YVES and ZED seem to be on the same level in the Spryker architecture and YVES is talking via CLIENT layer with ZED.
Should it be possible to have a (custom) CLIENT layer to communicate between different backend applications (ZED-eCommerce <--> BE-CLIENT <--> ZED-xyzTool, maybe with different databases / business model structure) ?
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Hmmm. Not sure if and how Clientโs are supposed to be usable from Zed tbh. A Client in Spryker terms in the end isnโt muuuuch more than an abstraction layer of communication to another system, adding a certain concept of envelopes (Transfer objects) on the messages sent around. So I guess I understand your intend, but canโt answer if thatโs easily achievable
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Thank you ๐ Sadly at this point in time I don't know any project requirements in detail at all to examine concrete feasibility with Spryker, but Spryker seems to be architecturewise a powerful framework that is not only suitable for ecommerce.
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