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Hello o/, I just came across something that kind of confuses me. the current documentation (of featu
Hello o/,
I just came across something that kind of confuses me.
the current documentation (of feature 202009.0) about frontend components is saying: quote:
It is recommended to use ready callback.
and the corresponding code is saying:
/** * Same as mountCallback(). * * @deprecated Use init() instead. */ protected abstract readyCallback(): void;
and this source was last changed almost 2 years ago. so i did a little bit of research on packagist.org.
the deprecation is in the spryker-feature/spryker-core
sind version 201903.0
well.. now i am having a few questions:
• 4 spryker-core versions later how long is it going to be deprecated?
• when will it be removed and switched to the recommended function?
• (why is the documentation recommending a deprecation? I guess nobody noticed. can this be updated?)
Hi Tien. Thanks a lot for pointing out our issues in documentation, we gonna update this article soon. According to your question when deprecated method will be removed - whenever we have a Major release for ShopUi module, as long as we cann’t change API in a Minor - https://packagist.org/packages/spryker-shop/shop-ui. For now ShopUi Major release is planned for the 3rd quarter of 2021.
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