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Hi Community, I have a question - our client (B2C Shop) wants two separate "no-shop"-scenarios 1. wi

Hi Community,
I have a question - our client (B2C Shop) wants two separate "no-shop"-scenarios
1. without registration/login/cart/checkout - basically only products and prices
2. without checkout
I know that there is the customer access area in zed that basically covers scenario 1. But is there something similar for scenario 2? Are there best practices? Do you know whether the B2B feature companyUserRole does actually cover scenario 2 ?
Thanks and have a great weekend,
Hi Sarah, not sure I understood that right.. Can you rephrase the question or give more details?
1. - sounds like you need only catalog. Then why not just using Yves catalog
2. - areas in zed are not for customers! It is for administration purposes. I also not sure how “Company User Role” of B2B relates to “without checkout” of B2C… There are other alternatives to checkout, f.e. “request for quote” feature0 -
Hi Andriy, thanks for your reply.
we need to introduce this no-shop-mode for new/additional stores as the client is already live and all stores have the same code base. As this no-shop szenario will be used in the future again for additional shops we don't know about yet, we reed a convenient way implement the two szenarios.
The first szenario is like a catalog, products and prices only, no checkout, no cart, no customer-registration no customer-login, no quick-order.
The second szenario includes products and prices, cart, customer-registration, customer-login, quick-order but no checkout 🙂
I hope I could clarify the question
best regards0 -
Yeah, that makes more sense!
As an option, you could look into different frontend themes possibility and hiding undesired buttons/elements to deprecate cart/checkout. You could then map those themes with the stores you would like to introduce this modes to. That could be the easiest option, judging from your case
Regarding enabling/disabling features or even changing the way they work (on the backend side) - Spryker has a concept of the Code Buckets. Official documentation is coming soon
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But you should also check infrastructural aspect - maybe it should be a separate instance with a separately deployable application that should be reseted/cleaned up from time to time (maybe even with limited product set). If you want some kind of “sales demo-shop” for your potential new customers - that could be a good way too. And having a separate, stable code base copy, or even *branch* from the existing code base - could be a reasonable option
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Thank you for your input 🙂
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