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Has anyone started their B2C site development by making

Has anyone started their B2C site development by making GitHub - spryker-shop/b2c-demo-shop: Spryker B2C Demo Shop based on the Spryker Commerce OS demo app their master branch and evolving from there? Was that a good path for you? (I like the idea of starting with a working piece of software, but would love to hear real experience of anyone).
Hi Brian! Yes, thatβs quite a regular approach: create empty repo for your project; clone a demoshop (b2b/b2c); change the origin from spryker to your repo; do initial commit
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as next, you can configure your config files - f.e. deploy.yml files (if you use docker/sdk), remove unused stores, correct the README so that other devs can install the project based on your instructions.
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thatβs something I would call an initial effort π
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Thank you Andriy!
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Keep in mind that following that approach will require deep understanding of already wired features in b2c shop, so if your shop requires less features or specific things need to be removed, it will have to be done manually. But overall itβs a common approach yes.
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