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Have any of you passed the Developer Certification Exam? How long it took to prepare and take the te
Have any of you passed the Developer Certification Exam? How long it took to prepare and take the test? https://academy.spryker.com/learn/course/external/view/elearning/94/spryker-developer-[…]rrsrS_3feytPhC3H7rkH5o9ss&utm_content=2&utm_source=hs_email
Several times, last one was yesterday (passed).
It depends highly on your experience and what you have already worked with in your project.
For the first time I would recommend going through all topics (CMS, Architecture, Publish/Sync, Search, Middleware, Atomic Frontend). There is a list provided in the exam course itself.Depending on how experienced your are with each of those topics it might make sense to play around a little bit with it and try how things work.
If all topics are new to you that might easily take a week or so.If you are experienced in Spryker, let's say you've done at least 2-3 different projects, touching all of the above topics it might only take you a few hours to refresh your knowledge.
Personally I do the exams without any preparation, but I worked with Spryker numerous times and was part of the initial implementation, so this isn't fair to compare0 -
Oh and taking the test, don't rush through it, you have 1,5 hours for 100 questions.
Read them carefully, as a lot of answers are very similar and details matter.
From my colleagues no one has needed more than one hour, personally I was done in 20 minutes, so there is plenty of time to go through each question.0
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