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Hello, Spryker community, Soon we are going to introduce a new concept to Backoffice UI (currently G

Hello, Spryker community,
Soon we are going to introduce a new concept to Backoffice UI (currently GUI): Pages and Widgets. It will enable high code reuse for FE components and data access implementation. Backend rendered Backoffice UI will remain an optional graphical interface, as some of you choose to replace it with a home-growth SPA with technology you like, highly optimized to project requirements. Therefore new re-usable components will get dedicated modules (you already could find most of Backoffice UI decoupled in Gui modules).
New modules will contain:
• context-bound e-commerce FE (js, css, assets)
• context-bound templates (twig)
• controllers, data access layer and mapping
New modules WON'T contain:
• domain object definition
• business logic
Now we are looking for the best naming in order to avoid confusion with existing Shop Pages and Widgets (Yves). We are very much into Spryker context where obvious from first glance naming could lead to problems for those who only start to learning Spryker ecosystem.
Here I would like to invite our fast-growing community for early feedback.
Please vote for one of the options and share your insights under the thread:
1. GuiWidget / GuiPage
2. ZedWidget / ZedPage
3. your option
ZedGuiWidget / ZedGuiPage
GUI for itself is a bit too generic. Who knows if there will be more GUIs in the future.0
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