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UM4BZSK7T Posts: 174 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

About https://github.com/spryker/oauth-permission/blob/c7760972b6cc3019081f87f9c42c2c20b[…]lient/OauthPermission/OauthPermission/OauthPermissionReader.php In our case we got a header that didn't contain any spaces and we get an exception. In our opinion it would be better in this case to get always an empty PermissionCollectionTransfer and no exception. And this method should be refactored in regards of line 54 because the method is calle extractToken and type isn't used at all.


  • Sounds right.
    Do you want to make a PR here with suggested changes?
    We can fast track those then.

    UM4BZSK7T Posts: 174 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    😍 You would allow me a PR? That would be amazing!