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Hallo. Ich habe mir demoshop auf Spryker Docker Sdk installiert. B2C, deploy dev yml genutzt. Einmal
Das gleiche fΓΌr yves, glue etc
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Frage: Wie kann ich mir mehr Infos ΓΌber die Ursache holen? nginx logs?
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Check that you have hosts from deploy.dev.yml in your /etc/hosts.
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Gecheckt, sind dort.
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Ich habe eine Idee.
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Ich habe das Projekt demoshop genannt. In etc hosts habe ich nach wie vor demo-spryker. Das kΓΆnnte die Ursache sein. Ich checke mal
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If you are using https://github.com/spryker-shop/b2c-demo-shop/blob/master/deploy.dev.yml without changes, then you have
in deploy file but you are trying to access*.*.[demo-spyker.com](http://demo-spyker.com)
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Sorry, just noticed, written in German.
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Not a problem for me but might be a problem for others. π
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In English again: I had in etc hosts different domains mapped to as in deploy.dev.yml
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@valerii.trots I know, was not intended. Translated, so people can know what the topic was about.
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