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8GB RAM is enough for Spryker Commence Os smooth operations ??

8GB RAM is enough for Spryker Commence Os smooth operations ??
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Hi Nazar, you can check the minimal resources needed to run locally depending in your OS and the kind of installation.
https://docs.spryker.com/docs/scos/dev/setup/installing-spryker-with-docker/docker-in[β¦]-prerequisites/installing-docker-prerequisites-on-macos.html0 -
also consider the volumen of data that you will test/run locally. π
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In theory, yes.
Depends heavily on where you run it.
If you run on Windows via Docker & WSL2 I doubt it's enough.
On MacOSX with docker and mutagen you should have at least 16GB, depending on the size of your product data even that might not be enough.On linux you might be fine with 8 GB running docker native, but I really would suggest to invest into RAM, especially as most developers tend to use PHPStorm which also consumes a lot of RAM, same goes for Browsers.
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If you consider the sizing for hosting Spryker 8GB for the PHP containers is oversized, but for redis and elasticsearch you should consider servers with more than 8 GB, again depending on the size of data you will need to store in redis and elasticsearch
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Nazar, could you also clarify which enviroment you are asking - dev system or for server?
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