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Hello, we are using the product bundle feature in spryker and we wonder why the items get splitted o

we are using the product bundle feature in spryker and we wonder why the items get splitted on checkout even if they have the same sku just with increased quantity … for that we investigated the quote operation and there is a function in ProductBundleCartExpander
which iterates over the bundle items and separate each item to a single item with each quantity = 1 … since we need on order export (from sales object) the “grouped” view of the items …
Why does spryker split up the items by default and set the quantity to 1 for each here?
If you buy 3 boxes of shoes and you want to return just one or deliver them separately it makes your life much easier if the items are split
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@valerii.trots the isSplittable property is already set to false … doesn’t seem to apply for product bundle items since the mentioned method does not check for it.
@UKHD8KTMF yes, you are right but it depends on use case … we dont have this use case since our bundle is always threated as a complete unit, parts of it cant be removed.
However, the thing is, i dont want to make unnecessary work … so for cart its grouped … on sales order it gets separated and for exporting it to external systems we have to write logic, that groups it again … can this be avoided with less effort?
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try to disable
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The CartChangeTransferQuantityNormalizerPlugin seems not to be executed at this point …
The problem is the following code
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which turns this (quantity = 1 and quantity = 2)
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into this (3 items with quantity = 1)
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I would expect two itemtransfers with same as for productforbundletransfers here with the equivalent quantity and no split! But the code does not seem to consider this
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it's a part of
which is needed, but to achive your goal looks like you need to override\Spryker\Zed\ProductBundle\Business\ProductBundle\Cart\ProductBundleCartExpander
on Pyz level0 -
If its part of the productbundle and needed to behave like it is, i think we have less headache to not override this code and better re-bundle it later when reading it from the sales table again. Otherwise i fear we may encounter other side effects with things that working well now^^ … i was just curious to know why especially the product bundle items get split up to single items with quantity 1 instead of writing it “as it is” to the quote (and in the end into the sales table). I guess it has something to to with the “rebalancing” of the product bundle sum, where the productbundle price gets distributed over all containing product bundle items.
Thanks and best regards0 -
Seems that bundle items assumed as always splittable … see
…public function isItemQuantitySplittable(ItemTransfer $itemTransfer): bool
if ($this->isBundledItem($itemTransfer)) {
return true;
protected function isBundledItem(ItemTransfer $itemTransfer)
if (!method_exists($itemTransfer, ‘getBundleItemIdentifier’)) {
return false;
}if ($itemTransfer->getRelatedBundleItemIdentifier() || $itemTransfer->getBundleItemIdentifier()) { return true; } return false;
is true here since its an item of a bundle
So technical thats the reason why the items also get split on order save, but from business side, i dont understand the reason why its more or less “hard coded” or assumed that a product bundle item MUST be always splittable …0 -
@jeremy.fourna from PO perspective, is there a reason why product bundles are always splittable? Or is it just something that needs to be fixed in core?
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Or at least fixed for our use case on project level with no or less impact ^^
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Because product bundles are bundles of existing products that could be shipped separately. This behavior is there since forever 🤷
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Okay, i also think, that product bundles were never considered using together with merchant related prices, correct?
We encounter a strange behaviour … when adding a product bundle to cart, the product bundle price (concrete product price) is necessary … but also a default price for each bundled product must be there, even if the price of the bundled product is not considered for the price calculation (price is distributed simply by dividing the product bundle price by bundled items).
We assume that the merchant price is never considered here, because a filter does not set any merchant price related infos, see ProductBundleCartExpanderprotected function createStoreSpecificPriceProductFilterTransfer(string $sku, QuoteTransfer $quoteTransfer): PriceProductFilterTransfer { return (new PriceProductFilterTransfer()) ->setSku($sku) ->setCurrencyIsoCode($quoteTransfer->getCurrency()->getCode()) ->setPriceMode($quoteTransfer->getPriceMode()) ->setStoreName($quoteTransfer->getStore()->getName()); }
So here, there will be always the default price, since the facade returns the price dimension default when no price dimension info was given. Therefore, a merchant related price is never considered. On the other side, it could be that this is anyway irrelevant, its just that the normal calulcation stack gets any number to work … just if there is no default price dimension, we get trouble since somewhere is a check to have a valid unit price
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