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I have a few additional questions. 1. Is there a default admin user or a way to create a new admin u

I have a few additional questions.
1. Is there a default admin user or a way to create a new admin user via console? (I could not find anything in the config folder or in the docs and for the available console commands I can't figure if there is such a console command)
2. For whatever reason when adding a product to cart from the US store a GET request is made instead of POST and the Fail Whale appears.
2.1 Is there a way to install a more stable version of the application? Surely such a major flow as adding a product to cart should not fail in an out of the box installation.
2.2 Before re-running docker/sdk bootstrap to see the proper URLs that I have to add in etc/hosts I was able to see a more developer friendly page when encountering the error at 2, something that resembled the debug profiler. Is there any I way I can't get back to that instead of seeing the fail whale? (The only thing I found in the docs is this https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/fail-whale-on-the-front-end which does not really have what I need)
Thank you so much.
- There is no such console command. There is default admin user for demoshop: https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/overview-of-the-back-office-user-guide?highlight=b[β¦]ng%20tip%20%20%20If%20you%20are%20only%20interested%20in
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Thank you so much for the quick answer
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2.2: you would need to figure out what env is in use at the moment and check \Spryker\Shared\ErrorHandler\ErrorHandlerConstants::ERROR_RENDERER setting in applicable config
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you would need it to be set to WebExceptionErrorRenderer instead of WebHtmlErrorRenderer
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- Have a look at the UserConfig, there you can configure default backend users which are than installed via
console setup:init-db
0 - Have a look at the UserConfig, there you can configure default backend users which are than installed via
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