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Hi everyone , great to see, how quickly so many people joined and cool to see that the first
Hi everyone <!here>,
great to see, how quickly so many people joined and cool to see that the first discussions where kicked off. We have this Spryker Community Slack since last week and we plan to officially add the invite URL to the navigation menu of our help center and invite some more people next week.
Before we do that, quick feedback round for you: This Slack space is for the community first and you decide, how you want to use it. Is there anything from your point of view, which we should add or change, before we invite more people?
Looking forward to getting your feedback.
Community will shape this anyway, no need to add anything until there's discussion
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maybe add technical-support and general-support channels
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but otherwise what we have should be good for now
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is more of an announcement, which should not be a channel, but maybe part of code of conduct
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Could be one idea, yeah. How would we keep this separated from our official support help center though, if people need help from Spryker itself? I'd be concerned, that new people could be confused about this.
How would you avoid that potential confusion, @UK5DS29L2?
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If the community is not able to provide the support, we know how to point people at your official support π
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if there's a list of things only YOU want to handle, it might be a good idea to state it clearly, otherwise you shouldn't worry about community
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you can always have someone from the core team around slack to act if necessary
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Do it! I would only create new channels if they become to cluttered. I see no need for more channels at this point!
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If the community is not able to provide the support, we know how to point people at your official support π
I can see that. π
if there's a list of things only YOU want to handle, it might be a good idea to state it clearly, otherwise you shouldn't worry about community
Obvious topics like bug reports, security vulnerabilities, etc. sure.
you can always have someone from the core team around slack to act if necessary
That would actually be something I don't wanna rely on, because that's immediately reminding me of our internal Slack space, where we have some channels with external parties, several dozen people from both parties in them and often no one reacting β which can (and did) generate a certain level of frustration. π€
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What about having #support-community and #support-official (with that announcement)?
Or, as suggested, make part of the and only add #community-support, @UK5DS29L2 & @UK5EAKPC3? π€
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how do I know I need official support?
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if you add channel that's official and community you'll definitely going to be spammed by all requests on official
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Good question, fair enough. Let's try your suggestion then and see how it goes. π
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OK, added the pinned message from #how-to-get-support to and renamed that channel to (which is still a default channel for new Slack space members). π
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