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Hi Everyone! We have recently discovered potential flaw in our system regarding collector storage&am

Hi Everyone!
We have recently discovered potential flaw in our system regarding collector storage&search export mechanism. We noticed that if we disable our product by deactivating it through Zed->ProductManagement->Communication->Controller->VariantController, it can be still ordered on Yves until collector job removes it from storage. Since that job can take a while until it finishes, we can possibly have a time gap from 1 to few minutes, and in that time customers will see and order products which are not available on Zed, and exception will occur.
Did anyone experience similar issues, and if yes, how did you solve it?
We are thinking between 2 possible solutions:
• Affect on storage and search manually as soon as product is deactivated, so we don’t need to wait for sync to do that for us
• Allow customer to order inactive product (that is still ‘active’ and visible for them on client side), and customize Zed logic when trying to get data of inactive product (that is where we are currently experiencing exception)
How about creating a separate Jenkins job which will update stocks every minute?
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We already have jenkins updating product data, but in our use case it’s more complex, we import json attributes of multiple products at the time, and sync operation that runs every minute can take a while to export all those products data to search and storage.
I am thinking more in direction of either directly updating storage and search for this case only or allowing customer to order product, no matter it is unavailable on Zed0
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