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Hi channel. Does anyone has some measurable ifnormation about how much items can oms process and the

Hi channel. Does anyone has some measurable ifnormation about how much items can oms process and the aprox time for that. Locally when I run check timeouts I see that sprykers
protected function saveOrderItems(array $orderItems, TransitionLogInterface $log, array $processes, array $sourceStateBuffer)
can take quite some time 10+ seconds. I don't know if this is due to the performance of my pc or. I am using 8.6 versions, are the recent updates faster then this version or
It really depends on what you are doing on order saving. Usual mistake is to do too much instead of simply persisting order and then let state machine take over.
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But that function is from sprykers codebase. I could understand that conditions/commands I write should take long if not optimisied, but I can not influence on this function since it is in vendor right ?
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There is a plugin stack ( check method getOrderExpanderPreSavePlugins in SalesProviderDependency) that tells what to do, so I would check that. Maybe there is a network call there or something. I saw people putting email sending and stuff in plugins.
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What usually takes quite a while is recalculating availability in case you have the reserved flag set on your OMS states. Combined with an item split this can take a considerable amount of time. If you don't use the availability feature it might be a good idea to remove the respective plugins, like @UKHD8KTMF suggested.
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In addition to what Thomas and Dmaijan said: have you already defined your order management state machine? It is initialized and starts running once order is persisted, until the process interrupts bcs of timeout-transition or condition.
So if you have a huge process there running with order export to the external system, emails sending and so on - that can take a while0
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