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Hey guys, is there any news or roadmap for the vue storefront "vsf-theme"? Fresh setup with latest v

Hey guys, is there any news or roadmap for the vue storefront "vsf-theme"? Fresh setup with latest vsf-theme and b2c-demo only shows navigation. Product list seems broken, just empty.
Hi Nicolai. Most probably itβs because we changed or fixed something in Glue but didnβt published it yet. So for now public FE and API are not synced. But @UTJU5PD6F have more information here.
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Actually b2c-demo has some CORS issues that may break some requests.
Currently we have fixes on internal branch but not yet available to public so to make FE work you for now have to make sure that CORS headers are properly set on all Glue API endpoints.0 -
It seems that CORS errors are only present with the docker setup. I used DevVM and get a valid response from Glue. Also the categories are shown correctly in the Navigation.
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Okay i deep dived a bit and think i found the issue. I guess the frontend was developed with a more current spryker/glue version. "categoryTreeFilter" was missing in the response and found also some issues with the breadcrumbs. After quick and dirty copy paste from newer version i got it running.
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I saw some git tags "202107.x-dev". Will there be a new release in July?
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