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Does Spryker offer a feature to add an item to an existing order?
Does Spryker offer a feature to add an item to an existing order?
you mean after checkout?
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If the customer e.g. forgot to add a product to the order before it is shipped
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this makes little sense to me, how is he supposed to pay for it?
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what will be the shipping cost?
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what if you have vouchers, discounts
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never seen such use case
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I know this case from other projects (not spryker), vouchers, discounts and shipping costs are ignored in this case and it's only possible to add items via the admin interface. The customer either get's an email with a link to paypal where he can pay the difference or get's an additional invoice which needs to be paid.
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Don't forget about the legal point of view.
The customer finally checks the order for completeness in last checkout step and confirms, that this is exactly what he/she is going to order. Adding items later on would violate this.0 -
And it's still common, especially in B2B, that customers want to add something by calling an order hotline via telephone
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I mean, I know that this is tricky, but my question was, if there is already a feature/module for this or not
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Okay, in B2B this might a case.
But still I don't think that technically this will be fun. Just thinking about OMS... What if the original order has moved inside OMS before you're adding more order items? How are you going to ensure consistency?
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we have built a custom flow where checkout was not a checkout but request for quote and then the actual price was negotiated, there you can do whatever you want. That is common in B2B and this is actually a feature now.
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for b2b of course
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That’s also useful for Click&Collect setup (for grocery shopping). So customer pays in the end, when order is collected, and items / totals might be different from what he has seen in checkout. But unfortunately there is no such feature in Spryker yet. Although I think it’s quite possible to implement on project level, all the data for order is saved in database, so you can “restore” OrderTransfer, modify items, recalculate totals with existing facade calls and save it back to DB (this saving part needs to be adjusted, I guess)
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You just need to rethink about what happens if the items are out of stock or if you will allow customer to remove something from the order. I guess adding something is easier.
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