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Hello all, my project is set up with wsl2,docker on windows. I am having difficulties to setup xdebu

Hello all, my project is set up with wsl2,docker on windows. I am having difficulties to setup xdebug in phpstorm. can someone help wih this?
maybe I can help
can you show your debug config file?
this will contain by defaultxdebug.remote_host=${SPRYKER_XDEBUG_HOST_IP}
Can you also show your debug config in storm
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sorry, was busy until now
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replace β${SPRYKER_XDEBUG_HOST_IP}β with βhost.docker.internalβ
(beware the first part is different in each row)0 -
follow this https://documentation.spryker.com/docs/configuring-debugging-in-docker manual
do NOT set the ide key in the config file, this will stock the debugger working when you do console calls0 -
if you have the debug settings and server settings also like in the manual then editing the config file like I said above should do the trick
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make sure you started the container with -x
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Hi Nathalie, good morning. I tried this solution but unfortunately it is not working. i also tried changing host manually. but still its same. can it be some other reason? I also followed the manual.
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try to bootstrap the container after changing the debug config
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(docker/sdk boot)
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hey Nathalie. thanks a ton. its working now. π
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yeay β€
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