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Hi, I'm having trouble using the docker/sdk after having modified composer.json (I've installed midd
Hi, I'm having trouble using the docker/sdk after having modified composer.json (I've installed middleware/process), since spryker will build the container using default autoload.php.
Can anybody tell me the best way to use local composer.json in docker/sdk.
What exactly is the issue? Did you add middleware namespace to config
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The issue in fact is, that if I check out my working changes and do a docker/sdk up on another machine docker/sdk up will crash because it will not use the changed local composer.json but afaik an unchanged one from spryker repo.
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hmm, this sounds strange. I might as a stupid question here, but does other machine use the same code? Did you commit also composer lock file?
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i am also not 100% clear here π€
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can you detail your steps again, @USPRPK45Q?
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@USPRPK45Q Please, describe the flow of commands you do to up Spyker.
Do you bootstrap with deploy.dev.yml file?
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I bootstrap a deploy.stage.yml on the server, only difference to my dev.yml is endpoints, debug, and mount option (baked on stage).
Locally I required spryker-middleware/process and developed a feature, when i deploy on server and bootstrap again and docker/sdk up, Spryker installation fails when generating propel models.0 -
means the codebase is backed into docker image, so you cannot expect file you changed on your host appears there.You can run docker/sdk up again and the changes will appear. It would take a few minutes.
Or you can switch to
(depends on platform you use) to have possibility to see changes on-fly0 -
If your changes are not often and do not performed in vendor folder you can use
mode. The only downside is the delay to see the changes (and running additional command). For me it is about 2 minutes to see.0 -
I understand what baked does but I cannot rebuild th container without the above error occuring
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What exactly error do you have?
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