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Any tips on having translation parameters rendered for form labels?

Any tips on having translation parameters rendered for form labels?
Hey Daniel, do you ask about Symfony form class?
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Basically yes (but in Spryker obvs)
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You can use value of label as a glossary key:
'label' => 'glossary.key.here'
It should work
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but with translation parameters
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foo.bar => My translation with name "%name"
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'label'=> 'foo.bar'
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ok hacky solution was to pass the translation params in
form_row(form.field, {'translation_parameters'})
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those attributes are arbitrarily available in the form template blocks
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so we could pass it to
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Symfony Forms 4.3 supports this at the backend level: https://symfony.com/blog/new-in-symfony-4-3-improved-form-translation
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Stupid question, why don't you just concatenate or string replace it
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at least for the name example
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or write your own twig function, it should be simple enough
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the function(well, filter) is
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it was just about getting some values to that function in the form templates
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trick I used was to call trans and then do replace
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that would work, still need to render the label though
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and it's in the form theme?
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foo.bar => My translation with name "placeholder"
foo.bar|trans|replace({'placeholder': "Dan"})
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yeah - assume you are rendering the form manually in location?
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in your example you can just as well
foo.bar|trans({'__placeholder__': "Dan"})
I think 🙂0 -
probably, it is twig 🙂 and I did not do anything advanced for years now
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