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Hey all, there seems to be a bug in the Url module, that already exists for several versions. By def

Hey all,
there seems to be a bug in the Url module, that already exists for several versions.
By default when using UrlFacade to create a Url a redirect is being deleted when another resource like a product claims its URL. URLs are unique as per database constraint.
However in the database URLs are case sensitive, hence
are considered to be different, so uniqueness is not violated. Should a redirect exist occupying the first URL, a product would take the second one and both would coexist. When publishing is happening URLs are being lower-cased, so this error comes into effect:
SQLSTATE[23505]: Unique violation: 7 ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "spy_url_storage-unique-key" DETAIL: Key (key)=(url:/en/scart-connection-cable-nickel-plated-7-mm-11762) already exists.
Hello Dennis, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I will forward this internally and keep you posted.
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@UKMHZV8LX i think this is a good opportunity to make our product better. Would you be able to send me your composer.lock file? I will file an issue for this.
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Hi, i think we are facing the same issue
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@USX5CJLS1 is it the exact same use case?
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