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I used Spryk a bit and wonder what it really can do. I added a client and it created 4 files for me.

I used Spryk a bit and wonder what it really can do. I added a client and it created 4 files for me. Okay nice and no need to type the namespaces. Still for example the Zed stub was something I still had to write. So did I miss something or is Spryk rather shallow in that it can do?
depends what you're after, maybe you're looking for
instead?0 -
Thanks got to look at that. But there is nothing to let's say add a controller and it's actions?
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I think it would be way too complicated to add tool and validator for it and it is simper to follow the docs on this now
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@UL67Q1HGF do you think controller/action templates could cause a problem?
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@UK5DS29L2 Spryks are more flexible code generators, every part could be inherited while introducing dedicated Spryk for a project use-case.
When do you think old code generators are handier?0 -
@UJ8Q2T36E when you need less time to get what you need. Simply genrating whole module and removing unnecessary parts is faster than writing a spryk that doesn't exist
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aha, I see. Probably an "all-in" Spryk is just missing.
Thank you for the fast feedback!0
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