What are the Slack Archives?
It’s a history of our time together in the Slack Community! There’s a ton of knowledge in here, so feel free to search through the archives for a possible answer to your question.
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Hello everyone, I hope all is well with you. I wanted to ask you if it's okay
Hello everyone,
I hope all is well with you. I wanted to ask you if it's okay that every time I complete a hands-on practical using Spryper, I used to create a technical document with code explanations that my colleagues will use as a guide!
That document has all the details surrounding the problem I'm having and the support from the Spryker Partner Portal and slack.
Can I create a blog so that I can help more people with this document? That is what I wanted to ask you.
Topics I have covered
1. Changing logo
2. Persist fetch and transfer objects (with each line of code explanation) and how they are connected
3. New page on Yves and Zed.
4. Configuration of xdebug.
These are some topics which I covered
Hi Ashu, I am Director of Academy here at Spryker. Many thanks for your post here - it sounds like a great idea to me! Can you let me know where you are planning to post your blog post? From our perspective, there are no issues with you posting your experiences and how you have achieved different things with Spryker. I would only ask that you don't do a wholesale copy and paste of the exercise but rather link to the course you were using as you completed the hands on tasks. We are looking forward to seeing what you post - I would love for you to send me over a link when you are ready!
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Hi @U01AMNY9B7B,
Thanks for the approval, I'll keep that in mind and share the document with you before submitting it for review.0
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