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Hi all, question about tests - following error occurs: ``` Test ../Foo/Business/FooQueueTest.php:t

Hi all,
question about tests - following error occurs:
Test ../Foo/Business/FooQueueTest.php:testMessageSending [TypeError] Return value of Spryker\Zed\CompanyMailConnector\Business\CompanyMailConnectorBusinessFactory::getMailFacade() must implement interface Spryker\Zed\CompanyMailConnector\Dependency\Facade\CompanyMailConnectorToMailFacadeInterface, instance of Spryker\Zed\Customer\Dependency\Facade\CustomerToMailBridge returned #1 /builds/path/to-project/vendor/spryker/company-mail-connector/src/Spryker/Zed/CompanyMailConnector/Business/CompanyMailConnectorBusinessFactory.php:35 #2 /builds/path/to-project/vendor/spryker/company-mail-connector/src/Spryker/Zed/CompanyMailConnector/Business/CompanyMailConnectorBusinessFactory.php:25 #3 /builds/path/to-project/vendor/spryker/company-mail-connector/src/Spryker/Zed/CompanyMailConnector/Business/CompanyMailConnectorFacade.php:29 #4 /builds/path/to-project/vendor/spryker/company-mail-connector/src/Spryker/Zed/CompanyMailConnector/Communication/Plugin/Company/SendCompanyStatusChangePlugin.php:35 #5 /builds/path/to-project/vendor/spryker/company/src/Spryker/Zed/Company/Business/Model/CompanyPluginExecutor.php:66 #6 /builds/path/to-project/vendor/spryker/company/src/Spryker/Zed/Company/Business/Model/Company.php:135 #7 /builds/path/to-project/vendor/spryker/company/src/Spryker/Zed/Company/Business/Model/Company.php:74 #8 /builds/path/to-project/vendor/spryker/propel-orm/src/Spryker/Zed/PropelOrm/Business/Transaction/PropelDatabaseTransactionHandler.php:45 #9 /builds/path/to-project/vendor/spryker/company/src/Spryker/Zed/Company/Business/Model/Company.php:82 #10 /builds/path/to-project/vendor/spryker/company/src/Spryker/Zed/Company/Business/CompanyFacade.php:33 ERRORS!
we are only using default spryker helper in the tests and we also did nothing special within the code.. the test also worked for a while.. with adding another test, this error occurs π€ .. anybody an idea?
perhaps you should check if there are no updates for involved Spryker modules
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we did not make any updates in the meantime.
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yeah, but youβve probably started using a module which had a bug at the time it was installed
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hmm okay, that could be π€
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Maybe some data cleanup is missing in your test?
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IMHO it has nothing todo with data, because itβs PHP exception about interface mismatch
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The problem is that the mail facade is provided in multiple module's dependency providers. The test setup is replacing that dependency globally in the dependency container (usually it is referred to as
). Since the different modules use different bridge interfaces, you see this issue coming up0 -
@UK5EG6PBM -> do you have any idea how this could be fixed? π€
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Well, you could change
on project level and have it inherit all the necessary bridge interfaces. If you mock the mail facade using your project level interface, all the other place should have satisfied dependencies0 -
Admittedly, that's not a pretty solution
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Depending on the scope, it sometimes helps to limit replacement of dependencies during tests using the dependency helper and providing the necessary factory class name.
argument can be used to limit the scope of the replacement0
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