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Hi there, I've set up `b2c-demo-shop` but after a few days it appears that there's no modre free dis

U01LR5HQV37 Posts: 10 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet
edited May 2021 in Docker

Hi there, I've set up b2c-demo-shop but after a few days it appears that there's no modre free disk space despite we didn't add many goods or images.

How can I check what container is responsible fot that and how to clean it up?


  • U01LE4BMBK7
    U01LE4BMBK7 Posts: 241 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    Jenkins runs different jobs quite regularly (state machine and queue worker every minute) which can produce a lot of logs

  • U01LR5HQV37
    U01LR5HQV37 Posts: 10 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    @U01LE4BMBK7 Maybe. How to clean them up?

  • sprymiker
    sprymiker Cloud Platform Architect Sprykee Posts: 781 πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸš€ - Cadet

    Hi Alex,

    It is general docker problem, that is essential for Docker Desktop due to virtualization and limited VM disk space.

    Asking your question on how to figure out who is eating the disk space you can refer to https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/system_df/

    docker system df
    docker system df -v

    You can also check out Docker Dashboard.

    How to clean up?
    There are several options to clean stuff.

    If you do not have anything valuable inside docker images/volumes and you want to start from scratch you can go hardcore:

        docker image prune
        docker volume prune
        docker system prune -a
        docker builder prune -a

    If you want to clear only unused images and build cache

        docker system prune -a
        docker builder prune -a

    https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/system_prune/ and you can search of other ones.