What are the Slack Archives?

It’s a history of our time together in the Slack Community! There’s a ton of knowledge in here, so feel free to search through the archives for a possible answer to your question.

Because this space is not active, you won’t be able to create a new post or comment here. If you have a question or want to start a discussion about something, head over to our categories and pick one to post in! You can always refer back to a post from Slack Archives if needed; just copy the link to use it as a reference..

🚨 Hi community & Spryker fans, we got a nice Friday announcement for you :slightl

Samuel Pais
Samuel Pais Sprykee Posts: 86 βš–οΈ - Guardians (admin)

🚨 Hi community & Spryker fans, we got a nice Friday announcement for you πŸ™‚ We released our Spryker Product Page on LinkedIn. By that you can add Spryker as a "Skill" to your profile for FREE. It might happen that your LI profile is not yet active for that feature, but it should work for the majority of you. Simply go on our LI product page and seek for the button "+ add as skill". https://www.linkedin.com/products/spryker-systems-gmbh-spryker-cloud-commerce-os/
